Darling is on of the upcoming films of director Ram Gopal Verma, starring Fardeen Khan, Esha Deol and Isha Koppikar for the lead roles. There was so much buzz around RGV' Sholay remake (now knows as RGV Ki Aag) that we didn't even notice he was making Darling. Looking forward to see what he's done in this film.
The music composer of Darling, unfortunately, is Himesh Reshammiya. I don't know anything else about the film, but I definitely believe RGV's choice of music director is kinda rotten. Sorry Himesh fans. Some believe Himesh has a very wide fan-base. If so, the only value he's bringing to the table is in the sales (which is very important for some), but nothing artistic. However that has been compensated for by a very nice Adnan Sami song that I think you shouldn't miss.
(Direct Link - click and 'Save' The Song)
- Tadap / Himesh Reshamiya, Tulsi Kumar
- Aa Khushi Se Khudkushi Kar Le / Sunidhi Chauhan, Shaan
- Saathiya - 1 / Adnan Sami, Tulsi Kumar
- Hasaye Bhi Rulaye Bhi / Shaan, Tulsi Kumar
- Saathiya - 2 / Adnan Sami, Tulsi Kumar
- Akele Tanha / Tulsi Kumar
- Tadap (Remix) / Himesh Reshamiya, Tulsi Kumar
- Awaaz Koi / Pryadarshini
- Aa Khushi Se Khudkushi Kar Le (Remix) / Sunidhi Chauhan, Shaan
- Hasaye Bhi Rulaye Bhi (Remix) / Shaan, Tulsi Kumar
- Saathiya (remix) / Adnan Sami, Tulsi Kumar